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Talk Temporary & Contractor Essentials

Welcome to Talk Recruitment as an Independent Contractor.

​Throughout your association with Talk, your Consultant will contact you to advise of current and upcoming positions. We are proactive in the job search process and actively market you to our clients for future positions. If your priorities or direction change with regard to temporary, contract or permanent work, please let us know. ​

Our temporary & contractor essentials handbook has been designed to provide you with useful information you need to know when you are on a temporary or contract assignment with Talk. Should you have any queries about the information enclosed in this information, please do not hesitate to contact your Consultant to discuss at

We are committed to providing you with a rewarding, safe and satisfying work experience - it’s good to know you.

Whom should you contact if you have a query about an upcoming assignment?

Your consultant via the app will brief you on each assignment prior to your commencement. If you have any queries feel free to raise these with your consultant.   Access the app for all your shifts, to update your unavailability and to get in touch with your office or consultant.

Does Talk have standards and protocols that I need to follow?

Yes, we are focused on excellence and committed to fostering high levels of professionalism, so before you get started on an assignment it is important to familiarise yourself with our standards and protocols.

  • Talk expects you to respect the rights of others and to treat them fairly. Harassment of any kind is not acceptable and could result in the conclusion of an assignment. Similarly, should you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, do not hesitate to contact your Consultant.
  • When you enter different work environments you will be exposed to confidential or personal and sensitive information. Please ensure you keep all information confidential, even once your assignment has finished and do not breach your contract of service with Talk and its clients.
  • When accessing a client’s computer network which includes e-mail, the internet and various software programmes, please remember they must be used for business purposes only and that confidentiality of passwords and information is paramount. The use of any systems for personal use or offensive / obscene material is unacceptable and may result in the conclusion of your assignment.
  • Except in the case of an emergency, please make personal phone calls only during breaks. Leave mobile phones off and diverted to your voicemail during work hours.
  • Be aware that all work places strictly enforce a non- smoking policy.

Strive for success. Permanent opportunities often develop from temporary and contract assignments. If you encounter any difficulties or have a complaint, please address it with your consultant immediately rather than approaching the client.

Money Matters

How will your pay rates be decided?

Your hourly/daily rate is dependant on qualifications and you will be notified once registration is successful.

$24.10 for unqualified teachers
$34-$39.21 for qualified teachers

When do I need to complete payroll and taxation forms by?

Payroll and Taxation forms (requiring your IRD Number if applicable) must be completed at interview or prior to the commencement of a contract assignment. ​

Your IRD declaration must be submitted to your consultant. If it is not received within 14 days, your withholding tax rate will be charged to the highest tax bracket (if applicable).

What do I need to know about completing timesheets?

At the start and end of each assignment please make sure you have started and ended your shift in the app.  ​

Timesheets must be checked by yourself and the client by 5pm each Friday prior to your payment being released. In the event that the client representative is not available, please have your timesheet checked by another authorised representative. ​

Alterations to your Friday finish time or any weekend hours must be entered into the Talk/Sling app by 5.00 pm on Friday.

How and when will I receive payments?

Payment will be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT) every fortnight into your bank account no later Wednesday following the week after. ​

A Pay Advice or Buyer Created Tax Invoice (BCTI) detailing your rate of pay and gross wage will be sent to your email. All you need is an email address.

What do I need to know about KiwiSaver?

As a contractor, Kiwisaver and other such payments and deductions are your responsibility to account for.

If you need help

Yes, if you have any queries, contact Your queries will be answered between 8.30 am to 4.30 pm on weekdays. ​

Update your app profile at any time or advise us if there are any changes to your address, telephone number or bank account details to ensure you receive your Pay Advice, Buyer Created Tax Invoices (BCTI’s) and Payment Summaries.

Talk's position on EEO

As an equal opportunity employer, Talk is committed to ensuring a workplace free of discrimination, harassment, bullying, and victimisation. This commitment is based on the value we place in you and our determination to comply with all relevant equal opportunity laws.

What are Talk’s fundamental EEO principles?

No discrimination.
Talk aims to ensure, through the application of all company policies, practices, and procedures, that no discrimination takes place and that you enjoy equal access to opportunities during your association with the company. The basis of employment decisions is merit-based.

No harassment.
Talk will not tolerate sexual, racial, religious or other kinds of harassment in the workplace.

No bullying.
Talk will ensure that no bullying occurs in the workplace.

No victimisation.
Talk will not tolerate victimisation or unfair treatment of anyone who makes a genuine EEO complaint.  

Talk is committed to a high level of equal employment opportunity compliance by ensuring that all complaints are handled in a timely and professional manner

What are the likely consequences of inappropriate behaviour?

Where instances of discrimination or harassment are found to have occurred, they will be investigated in a fair and confidential manner. Warnings or disciplinary action will be taken where unlawful conduct is found to have occurred. how are complaints investigated? ​

Complaints are investigated in an impartial, confidential and timely manner – the guiding principles of Talk’s complaints handling procedure

Impartiality: If you make a complaint, it will be investigated in a fair and impartial manner. No judgements or assumptions will be made, and no action will be taken until the investigation is complete. If a complaint is made against you, your rights will be protected and you will be given an opportunity to tell your side of the story.

Confidentiality: If you make a complaint, the details will remain confidential between you and the investigating team. Those involved in an investigation, must maintain strict confidentiality with regard to all aspects of the process or face disciplinary action.

Timeliness: Each complaint will be finalised within as short a period of time as possible. Where necessary, all information will be passed on to the relevant manager immediately. The complainant will receive a progress report within two working days of having lodged the complaint.

Should I approach the client employer if I need to make a complaint?

No, you must not approach the client as an alternative to, or as well as, utilising this procedure, unless specifically given prior authorisation to do so by Talk.​

Failure to follow this direction, or taking deliberate action which compromises this complaint handling procedure, (such as failure to maintain confidentiality of the process) may result in disciplinary action.

Is it acceptable to approach the person involved?

Yes, in many situations, the first appropriate step is to tell the person who is the cause of the complaint how you feel. If the complaint is about their behaviour, tell them that it is unacceptable, offensive or hurtful. If it is about a work decision, tell them why you think it is unfair or inappropriate. Sometimes people behave inappropriately without realising, or make decisions without considering the repercussions. Telling the person will give them a chance to stop or change what they are doing. If you decide to take this action, it is important that you inform our EEO Representative.

What should I do if I can’t approach the person involved?

If you don’t feel that you can’t approach the person directly, then explain the problem to your Randstad consultant or our EEO Representative. They will advise on what your options are and, if you wish to make a formal complaint, will advise you on how to do so. You may also wish to put your complaint in writing yourself and provide it to Randstad’s Risk and Safety Division. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your consultant (or your complaint is in regard to your consultant), you can then contact the Risk and Safety Division to assist you through the above process. what happens next? ​

Our EEO Representative will then talk to the person about whom the complaint is made to hear their side of the story and will also interview any witnesses. Where necessary, Randstad’s management will investigate complaints in conjunction with client employers, where a complaint relates to a conduct of a person other than a direct employee of Randstad. You will then be consulted regarding the outcomes of the investigation and ways of addressing and resolving the problem. who should i contact to find out more?

Independent Contractor

As a contractor you are responsible for all your own public liability and public indemnity insurances to protect yourself and you as a contractor.  At no time does Talk accept or take on any liability for the contractor for KiwiSaver, workplace health and safety, ACC or any other contractor responsibilities as per the Independent Contractor agreement signed by the contractor.

Workplace Health and Safety

How does workplace health and safety affect me?

You are an important asset to Talk Recruitment, which is why we take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure your health and safety in the workplace when working on a client site. Workplace health and safety is largely about common sense and we ask you to co-operate with Talk and our clients to ensure your own personal safety and to make sure that your actions do not endanger those around you.

What steps does Talk take to prevent accidents and injuries at client sites?

Clients are required to treat you as they would their own employees for all health and safety matters. This may include making you aware of their Health & Safety Policy, assessing any health and safety risks which may affect you and recording any accidents or injuries that involve you. It is the responsibility of the centre to make sure sites are safe and comply with all health and safety requirements.

How can I take responsibility for my own safety in the workplace?

Your safety, and the safety of the people you are working with, depends on your awareness of safe working practices and the need for a safe working environment. Although Talk acknowledges its obligations to you, safety is a co-operative effort. You can take responsibility for your own safety by: ​

  • Advising your consultant prior to starting an assignment if you have any pre-existing injuries or disabilities which will not allow you to perform your role in a safe manner;
  • Informing you consultant if your ability to perform duties safely in the workplace changes;
  • Making sure you know how to do the job safely before you commence;
  • Being aware of any safety risks associated with the intended tasks;

Following safety instructions;

  • Reporting anything you feel is unsafe about the equipment, task or work environment;
  • Avoiding the use of equipment that you are not fully trained to use or unsure how to operate;
  • Discussing any aspect of job safety that you are concerned about with your supervisor or Randstad consultant.
Whom should I contact if I have health and safety concerns at a client site?

Contact your consultant immediately if:

  • you identify a hazard;
  • you are asked to undertake additional duties for which you have had no instruction;
  • you are assigned to a new position;
  • you are directed to use equipment different to that originally required of the job;
  • you are asked to use equipment that is not part of your current job or you are asked to use equipment that you have not been trained on.

Remember - Do not use any equipment/machinery without having received instructions on its safe use, this includes unblock, maintain or service the equipment/ machinery

What are your responsibilities as a contractor?

As a contractor you are responsible for all your own public liability and public indemnity insurances to protect yourself and you as a contractor.  At no time does Talk accept or take on any liability for the contractor for workplace health and safety, ACC or any other contractor responsibilities as per the Independent Contractor agreement signed by the contractor

What are the client’s responsibilities?

Talk’s clients are responsible for the provision of a safe working environment and systems of work. They must ensure that the equipment provided to you is in a safe condition for use and provide instruction, training and supervision as necessary to ensure your safety.

Will I receive site-specific inductions by client employers?

Yes, your induction will include:

  • orientation of facilities;
  • fire/evacuation/emergency procedures;
  • specific training/induction on equipment being used.
What should I do if I suffer a workplace accident?

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer an accident resulting in an injury you must notify your consultant immediately and provide all relevant details relating to the incident.

What do I need to know about ACC workplace injuries?

Talk is not responsible for ACC arrangements regarding workplace injuries. As a consultant, you are responsible for insurances and all requirements to protect your work as a consultant.

What is Talk’s policy in relation to smoking and alcohol in the workplace?

Talk has a no smoking policy on its premises. Whilst on a clients’ site you are required to observe the client’s smoking policy. The consumption of alcohol within Talk or a client site without the full knowledge and consent of the manager is strictly forbidden. Similarly, attendance at work or work functions under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly forbidden. Please Note: Any failure to comply with safe working instructions could lead to the cessation of your assignment.

More Information

If you need more information contact